About Shannon Stange who is committed to leading people with integrity and conviction. He serves people and builds communities that flourish. In 2022 he introduced himself to the City of Fort St. John, BC and asked for their vote. Here’s what he had to say about himself.
- Born in Fort Nelson, raised in Fort St. John.
- Married for 24 years, with one adult daughter.
- My father’s family, remaining in Fort St. John, helped me build strong bonds with the people of this community while away.
- Returned to Fort St. John last year, bought and renovated a home, and began an exciting new season of our lives.
- Fly fisherman, hunter, trap shooter, hiker, scuba diver.
- International speaker and leadership developer.
- Coordinate the operations for a large national Christian denomination.
- Bought, sold, and started a variety of businesses.
- Provide private consulting to businesses and non-profits.
- Federal Conservative political organizer with a track record in grass roots leadership.
Why I’ll Make a Great Mayor:
- Experience, Compassion, and Leadership.
As the People’s Mayor I Will:
- Lead with conviction.
- Bring new perspectives to sensitive issues.
- Pursue economic development.
- Focus budgets on roads, indoor recreation facilities, and infrastructure.
- Reduce barriers to affordable housing.
- Address addiction related homelessness.
- Fight for fair taxes and fees.
I ask for the honour of your vote so that I can serve you and this community that we love.